Innocent Childhood Passtimes: Garbage Hooking
(Enter Molly aged 5, holding a wire coat hanger which has been straightened out to make a Christmas wreath, but retaining its hook. Dangling from it is a sausage packet from the recycling)
Molly: Daddy, do you want to play hooking the garbage ?
Daddy: If I am completely honest, Molly, not really.
Molly: Oh, but I really love playing with garbage.
Daddy: Perhaps we could move to India, there are places there were children spend all day on garbage heaps hooking out bits of garbage.
Molly: Could we really do that ?
Daddy: If I don’t get some more money in, we may have to.
Molly: Oh goody. But, Daddy, would we have to eat curry every day ?
Daddy: Yes Molly, every cloud has a silver lining.
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