Monday, February 13, 2006

Work ? I don't thinks so, thanks

I am still struggling with the idea of getting back to work. It may seem odd to many, but although I get a kick out of being in court that is practically obscene, faced with a choice between changing a shitty nappy and writing an advice on disability discrimination, the shitty nappy wins every time. Sadly, changing shitty nappies and clearing up sick does not pay the mortgage and ultimately would mean that we would not have enough money to buy the nappies that Molly could...,well you get the point.

And that reminds me of another odd thing about parenting. Remember at school when someone else in the class was sick and even the thought of it, let alone the sight of it made you retch too ?The idea of having to clean up your own, let alone someone else's sick was at a stage beyond an anathema. However, within a few days of becoming a parent, even the most squeamish person is capable of making a flying leap across a crowded room to catch their child's projectile vomit in the palm of their hand. Odd eh ?

Molly is still snuffling her way through a miserable cold and both Helen and I have sore throats and are generally bunged up - a side effect of sleep deprivation no doubt.

We took Molly to my sister's 40th birthday party on Saturday night where she was cooed over and mauled by the serried ranks of mostly '30 something' and '40 something' guests. Portsmouth Pete became so broody that it is widely anticipated that he will make an appointment this morning to have his vasectomy reversed. Molly also 'witnessed' her first firework display at the party, in the sense that she was at least present when the fireworks went off. However she appeared to sleep unflinchingly through the whole thing, despite the fact that they were impressively noisy. But then she managed to sleep through the band that was playing in the house too. She was awake when a rather drunk Charlotte persuaded the band to let her play a couple of songs (Green Day songs obviously), but her reaction to those was hard to gauge. I have to confess to being rather impressed with Charlotte's performance. It was the first time she had played an electric guitar and the first time that she had sung and played at the same time in front of an audience. Looks like the electric guitar for her next birthday is going to be hard to avoid.

It is now after 9.30 am and I have steafastly avoided doing any work yet and I have to take Emily to Stansted this afternoon so that she can have a week of skiing in Austria with my sister and her family and I have to attend a managemewnt meeting this afternoon in Chambers. So not much fear of me doing too much paid work today.


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