Thursday, January 05, 2006

Big Big News !

Molly and Helen are at home !

Hostilities ended suddenly and without warning this morning and by 4pm all prisoners had been released. Good job as the ladder made from knotted sheets was still about 7 feet from the ground.

Murray and Maisy went wild when we came in. They have been missing Helen terribly, I think their 'treat quota' has been a bit lower under my regime. They were also more than a little keen to see Molly. Despite being restrained, they both managed to lick at least some part of her in the first few seconds after our arrival. They were also very worried when she began to cry later and were anxious to jump up onto the bed to help to comfort her. They probably recognised her smell as soon as she came in because I have been allowing them to sniff one of the first outfits she wore for the last couple of days. I don't think she will have too much trouble in being accepted as the latest member of the pack.

We attempted to have a welcome home celebratory supper, but Helen ended up eating hers in bed with Molly who woke up demanding to be fed just as I served up the fillet steak, roast fig tarts, roast anya potatoes and assorted vegetables. We wet Molly's head with some pink champagne later when she came back down. Perhaps if we had actually given her some (other than indirectly through the breast milk) she might have calmed down a little sooner.

I will post a photo or two from today in a moment unless I get called back upstairs to comfort a howling babe.

Now that our story has calmed down a bit, you might like to start following Libby & Alan from our NCT group's progress. They have a blog now too and you can find it at I hope that it is less dramatic than ours for obvious reasons (I want ours to be the best - er... no, I mean because I hope they have a less traumatic time) although I am sure it will be better constructed.


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