Friday, November 04, 2011

Please help to ensure that this man receives the justice he deserves.

Now this is serious. Please give this your attention and share it as widely as you are able. Please watch the whole video although it is upsetting and may make you angry and/or upset. It was uploaded to YouTube by his daughter who was the victim of what in any civilised country would be regarded as an awful, brutal and abusive crime against a young person that should not go unpunsihed whenever it was committed.

According to an article published on the Guardian online this morning, Judge William Adams who still sits as a judge is protected from prosecution for this appalling violence by a statute of limitations.

But he cannot be protected from the power of the internet, of which he ironically disapproves in the video. Hopefully, he can be forced to resign or be removed from office. This is unaaceptable behaviour from anyone least of all anyone who sits in judgment on other human beings.

I hope you will agree and will play your part in ensuring that he is brought to account for this.