It's been a while...
I have been very remiss with my postings of late.
I will try to bring things up to date over the next few weeks.
I am busy playing Bottom in the Chiltern Shakespeare Company's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the moment. Pics below. Hopefully, we will have played to over 5000 people and raised a pile of cash for charity by the end of the run on Saturday.

Helen successfully completed her Race For Life and now professes to enjoy running ! Emily has finished her first year at Nottingham University reading law. Charlotte has finished her A-Levels and is about to embark on her gap year before going to Birmingham in October 2009 to study for a Culinary Arts Degree en route to becoming the next great celebrity chef. Molly is very busy watching Wonderpets and Pingu. Murray has become a father and all of his puppies have now been found new homes. Maisy continues to take every conceivable oppotunity to roll in fox poo.
Helen, Charlotte and I continue with our quest to lose some weight - I have managed to lose 2 stone, but would like to lose more.
I have just acquired one of those Efergy devices that monitors household electricity use - it scares me, but then I am the one paying the bills. I am hoping that the really irritating alarm that goes off whenever the kettle and the tumble dryer are on at the same time will help to change the habits of the other occupants of this crazy household...
Labels: acting electricity, Beaconsfield, Chiltern, donkey, efergy, monitor, outdoor, performance, Shakespeare, theatre